Joke 1:
Father: Your teacher says she finds it's impossible to teach
you anything!
Sam: That's why I say she's no good!
Joke 2:
Father: Sam, how can you call your aunt stupid?
Go and say sorry to her.
Sam: (to the aunt) Aunt, I'm sorry you're stupid.
Joke 3:
Sam: Mom, teacher was asking me today if I've any brothers
or sisters who will be coming to school.
Mom: That's nice of her to take such an interest, dear.
So what did she say when you told her you're the only child,
my dear?
Sam: She just said ... 'Thank goodness!'
Joke 4:
Sam: Dad, can you write in the dark?
Dad: I think so, what do you want me to write?
Sam: Your name on my report card.